Basic Shared Hosting

Feel the speed of our ultra modern servers built with premium hardware with premium networking and driven by solid state drives for the best performance.


1 GB Disk Space
10 GB Bandwidth / Month
01 Website
0 Addon Domain
0 Sub Domain
1 FTP Account
1 MySQL Database
1 E-Mail Account
cPanel Control Panel
FREE SSL Certificates
LiteSpeed with LSCache
Advanced Security Shield
Complimentary DDoS Protection
JetBackup Included
Technical Support Included


2 GB Disk Space
20 GB Bandwidth / Month
01 Website
0 Addon Domain
0 Sub Domain
1 FTP Account
1 MySQL Database
1 E-Mail Account
cPanel Control Panel
FREE SSL Certificates
LiteSpeed with LSCache
Advanced Security Shield
Complimentary DDoS Protection
JetBackup Included
Technical Support Included


5 GB Disk Space
50 GB Bandwidth / Month
01 Website
0 Addon Domain
0 Sub Domain
1 FTP Account
1 MySQL Database
1 E-Mail Account
cPanel Control Panel
FREE SSL Certificates
LiteSpeed with LSCache
Advanced Security Shield
Complimentary DDoS Protection
JetBackup Included
Technical Support Included

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